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Sunday, February 25, 2007

What Are the Candidates Saying about Immigration? Tancredo on Immigration Reform
by Amy Taylor

The Colorado Congressman from Littleton announced his intention to run for President in late January even though he has no intention of becoming the President of the United States. You can watch his announcement here. Tom Tancredo (R-CO) is running because he is keeping good on an old promise he made to run for president if other candidates didn't make immigration a top priority -- and he is doing just that. "I operate under no illusions of being nominated, but I could influence the direction of the debate." He launched his campaign this year, "Tom Tancredo 2008 for a Secure America," with its number one issue: securing our borders.

Read the rest of this BLOG at:

I do recommend reading this blog because the comments are intelligent and well presented. In my opionon completely wrong but the article was brilliantly written

Presidential hopefuls reflect pluralism

Whatever you may think of them, the fact that a woman, African-American and a Mormon are receiving serious consideration for president of the United States tells much about where we are as a nation and what we can become.

The nation’s pluralistic soul has never been so much in evidence. It was just 47 years ago that John F. Kennedy beseeched a crowd to not vote against him because he was Roman Catholic.

Please Read the rest of this "Opionon Piece" at:

Pure undilluted Hatred of Senator Tancredo


IF you want to read yet another attack piece on Senator Tancredo


In order to find articles, columns and other materials for this blog every Sunday morning I go to Google type in a candidates name and news and read the links that come up. This morning, Sunday Feb 25th 2007, the only things that came up for Senator Tancredo's name were attack pieces written by left wing Media outlets and Bloggers. That can only lead to a couple of conclusions --- 1) Either Senator Tancredo spent the entire week locked in a dark room and made absolutely no news 2) The Media does not want to report on anything that Senator Tancredo does that might make him look good or 3) Senator Tancredo is Evil Incarnate. Personally I am leaning towards option Two.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Senator Tancredo? In your dreams. He just represents hate. Maybe he should go back to Italy.