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Sunday, February 25, 2007

Journalism vs Swift Boating

Today (Feb 25th 2007) I spent over an hour searching the internet for new articles to put up on this blog about the Presidential Candidates. I dont do this because I am bored, I dont do this because I particularly love reading dozens and dozens of news articles every Sunday morning. I do this so that I can be better informed on what the Presidential Candidates are saying and doing and so that I can share that information with other folks like you.

One of the things I have noticed is that if you go to Google News and type in the name of a Republican Candidate the majority of the articles that come up (at least for the last three weeks) are attack pieces. Barely disguised opionon pieces by the Mainline Media meant to present the candidate in as bad a light as possible. The ONLY negative piece I could find on a Democrat candidate turned out to be a complaint about how Republicans were "Swiftboating" a Democrat candidate.

So I guess if you write something negative about a Conservative Republican candidate that is considered "Journalism". On the other hand if you write a negative or even a less that positive piece about one of the Democrats Big Three (Hillary, Obama, & Edwards) then you are "Swiftboating".

For the next 21 months I guess we will be treated to this type of "Objective Journalism" from the Mainstream Media. I guess we should look for more CBS Storys based on Forged Documents, More NBC Storys that ignore the facts and More lies, half truths and blantly biased reporting from ABC, CNN and all the rest.

My only suggestion is that you keep reading the blogs, read more than one source for your information. Never forget the article, news report you are reading was written by the extremely biased left wing Democrat loving Media.

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