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Sunday, February 25, 2007

Potential presidential candidate Ron Paul makes exploratory swing through Derry

By Eric Parry , Staff writerEagle-Tribune

DERRY, N.H. - A small crowd greeted Ron Paul in Derry last night, but those in attendance were hopeful about the Texas representative's presidential chances.

"He's the only person I could think of voting for," said John Connell of Salem. "He's the only guy who practices what he preaches."

Paul acknowledged he doesn't have the ability to raise as much money as the front-runners in the presidential race but he shared his beliefs about small government and limited taxes to a group of about 20 people at the Marion Gerrish Community Center. The meeting was his effort to gauge whether there's enough support for him to enter the presidential race.

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My greatest hope is that this Worthless Anti-American lowlife devotes so much time to getting elected President that he loses his Congressional seat. The fact that he represents Texas is a constant source of irratation to me and many other Conservative Republicans. Normally I would brand him a RINO and riducle him on that basis ---- Ron Paul goes beyond RINO he definately falls in the Nancy Pelosi, Hanoi Jane, John Kerry and Jimmy Carter catageory of Idiocy.

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