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Monday, February 19, 2007

Clinton Objects to Confederate Flag

ORANGEBURG, S.C. (AP) -- Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton said Monday that South Carolina should remove the Confederate flag from its Statehouse grounds, in part because the nation should unite under one banner while at war.

"I think about how many South Carolinians have served in our military and who are serving today under our flag and I believe that we should have one flag that we all pay honor to, as I know that most people in South Carolina do every single day," Clinton told The Associated Press in an interview.

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I guess Hillary's toleration does not include people who are proud of their Southern Roots. It's funny many of the people I have met from South Carolina dont have a problem with the Confederate flag but they do have a problem with a carpetbagger from Illinoise that got elected Senator from New York telling us Southerners what we should do and what we shouldn't do.

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