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Sunday, February 25, 2007

The 'other' man from Hope

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee might provide the best combination of social and fiscal conservatism in the presidential race this year.

Conservatives surveying the front-runners in this year's race for the GOP presidential nomination are a little depressed.

Neither of the most bandied-about names, John McCain and Mitt Romney, constitute the total package of fiscal and social conservatism.

McCain has opposed a federal amendment banning same-sex marriage, while Romney campaigned for gay rights and abortion rights in his Senate and gubernatorial bids.
Another presidential hopeful, Rudi Giuliani, also supports both abortion and gay rights.
As crazy as it makes liberals, knowing a candidate believes in the sanctity of God, the nuclear family and human life goes a long way with conservative voters.

Please read the rest of this opionon piece at:

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