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Sunday, April 29, 2007

Romney remark on cost of getting bin Laden stirs the bloggers

April 29, 2007

Mitt Romney generated a tempest in the blogosphere last week by suggesting in an interview that the United States shouldn't devote too many resources trying to capture Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. "It's not worth moving heaven and earth spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person," Romney told the Associated Press, adding that the United States should concentrate instead on fighting the broader problem of Islamic militancy.

Bloggers on both sides of the ideological spectrum, including some loyal to opposing candidates, seized on the former Massachusetts governor's remarks. "Perhaps Romney should watch the tape of the planes hitting the towers again," the writer Byron York wrote on National Review Online. A blogger on the left-leaning site Talking Points Memo wrote, "One wonders what the reaction would be if a Democrat said this."

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Owner Comments: If you notice the photo in this article is of Democrat Presidential Candidate Bill Richardson. An Oversight on the part of the Newspaper I am sure. Yea Right and the Easter Bunny is bringing Halloween Candy this year.

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