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Sunday, January 21, 2007

Edwards Announces

A Kickoff for John Edwards 2.0
Friday, Dec. 29, 2006


If his first day is any indication, John Edwards will be running a very different kind of campaign than he did three years ago — one that just might help him stand out among the dozen presidential wannabes who will be all over Iowa and New Hampshire in the next several months.

Presidential announcements are usually highly ritualized affairs; the candidate goes back to the town where he was born, an adoring crowd cheers him, his wife brags about his greatness and he puts on his Sunday best to declare why he's running for the highest office in the land. "He didn't want to do it that way," said David Bonior, a former congressman from Michigan and one of Edwards' top advisers.

A Lightweight to put it mildly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yuck! Phew! A demmunist. And an ambulance chaser, into the bargain. Anyone who falls for the siren songs of this shyster should have his/her voting right revoked (yeah, I said it; sue me).