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Sunday, March 25, 2007

Liberals biggest hurdle for Romney?

Conservative talk show host Hugh Hewitt thinks Mitt Romney's biggest opposition comes not from evangelical Christians who view Mormonism as a cult, but rather from secular liberals who remain skeptical of anyone who believes in revelation, divine intervention or miracles.

Writers in Slate and The New Republic, for example, called Romney's Mormon beliefs ludicrous and suggested that believing them disqualified him from office. That is bigotry, pure and simple, Hewitt says, and all people of faith should condemn it - or no one is safe.

Please read the rest of this article at:

Owner Comments: The fact that Mitt Romney is a Morman has absolutely no relevance on his ability to be President. I question the fact that the Mainstream media feels it is neccessary to mention his religion in almost every news story about him. Is it possible that the Mainstream Media that is always demaning toleration for the Islmofacists that are trying to Kill Americans are prejudice against Mormans?

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