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Saturday, February 17, 2007

Sen. Joe Biden A Wolf In Sheeps Clothing

Senator Joseph R. Biden, Jr. (D-DE), issued the following statement.

"There is no doubt that we have made tremendous progress battling domestic violence in the past decade - we took what was once a dirty little secret no one talked about out of the closet and made its eradication a national priority. But we cannot let our attention lapse or allow our spending priorities to become misplaced. Everyday women, children and sometimes men, in Delaware and across the nation live in fear in their own homes."

Senator Biden needs to get his facts straight. On May 19, 2006 the Center for Disease Control confirmed that over 150 studies have found females are equally likely as males to engage in domestic violence and dating violence. The Senator is helping to continue to hide the other half of that "dirty little secret." This is that adult and teenage women are the perpetrators of domestic and dating violence at least as often as men are. However, there is not one cent in funding to help male victims or their children.

Please read the rest of this article at:

It seems that Senator Biden's reality check bounced!

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